Recent history: For preventing cash purchases over $10,000 in the belief it will stop money laundering in the economy
Removed division Currency (Restrictions on the Use of Cash) Bill 2019 - Second Reading - Stagnating economy. Policy vote was No.
mackay staff over 3 years ago
Name changed from “stopping money laundering in the economy” to “preventing cash purchases over $10,000 in the belief it will stop money laundering in the economy”.
GCC about 5 years ago
Added division Currency (Restrictions on the Use of Cash) Bill 2019 - Second Reading - Stagnating economy. Policy vote set to No.
APN about 5 years ago
Name changed from “the money laundering in the economy” to “stopping money laundering in the economy”.
APN about 5 years ago
Created policy “the money laundering in the economy” with description “the federal government should make payments in cash over $10,000 in certain circumstances illegal.”.
APN about 5 years ago