Recent contributions by APN
On policy preventing cash purchases over $10,000 in the belief it will stop money laundering in the economy
Added division Currency (Restrictions on the Use of Cash) Bill 2019 - Second Reading - Stagnating economy. Policy vote set to No.
APN about 5 years ago
On policy preventing cash purchases over $10,000 in the belief it will stop money laundering in the economy
Name changed from “the money laundering in the economy” to “stopping money laundering in the economy”.
APN about 5 years ago
On policy preventing cash purchases over $10,000 in the belief it will stop money laundering in the economy
Created policy “the money laundering in the economy” with description “the federal government should make payments in cash over $10,000 in certain circumstances illegal.”.
APN about 5 years ago
See other recent changes.