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senate vote 2024-10-10#7
Edited by
mackay staff
2024-10-26 15:29:49
Bills — Crimes and Other Legislation Amendment (Omnibus No. 1) Bill 2024; Second Reading
- Crimes and Other Legislation Amendment (Omnibus No. 1) Bill 2024 - Second Reading - A fairer system for Commonwealth penalty units
<p class="speaker">Deborah O'Neill</p>
<p>The question is that the second reading amendment moved by Senator Shoebridge be agreed to.</p>
- The majority voted against an [amendment](;query=Id:legislation/billhome/display.w3p;query=Id%3A%22legislation%2Famend%2Fr7172_amend_7929ee2e-d5b1-4531-bc43-0c4c48da9bfe%22;rec=0) to the usual second reading motion, which is "*that the bill be read a second time*" (parliamentary jargon for agreeing with the main idea of the bill). This means the usual motion will remain unchanged. The amendment was introduced by NSW Senator [David Shoebridge]( (Greens).
- ### Motion text
- > *At the end of the motion, add “, but the Senate:*
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- > *(a) notes that the bill seeks to increase the value of the Commonwealth penalty unit;*
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- > *(b) recognises that set financial penalties produce unfair and uneven impacts when they are not levied according to income, so that people on high incomes can easily afford to pay a fine that would be financially crippling to someone on Commonwealth income support such as Jobseeker or the aged pension; and*
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- > *(c) urges the Government to explore a fairer system for fines that would reduce penalty amounts for those on Commonwealth income support, and increase penalty amounts for those earning over $180,000 a year”.*