Recent contributions by Phil S
On policy increasing transparency of the China-Australia relationship
Name changed from “One of us for Head of State” to “One of Us for Head of State”.
Phil S about 10 years ago
On policy increasing transparency of the China-Australia relationship
Created policy “One of us for Head of State” with description “Australia is a sovereign, independent, parliamentary democracy and operates as a de facto republic. Only one thing remains inconsistent with this, which is that we still retain an absentee hereditary Head of State who lives on the other side of the world and Australians have no say in their selection whatsoever. We should have a Head of State who is chosen by us, who lives here with us, and is One Of Us.”.
Phil S about 10 years ago
On policy Changing the Australian flag
Created policy “Changing the Australian flag” with description “Canada adopted a new flag in 1965 and remains a constitutional monarchy. Australia should do the same by adopting a new and distinctive flag which represents all Australians without reference to out of date imperial connections.”.
Phil S about 10 years ago
See other recent changes.