Recent history: For requiring Parliamentary approval of military deployments
Added division Defence Amendment (Parliamentary Approval of Overseas Service) Bill 2020 - Second Reading - Agree with bill's main idea. Policy vote set to Yes (strong).
mackay staff almost 2 years ago
Added division Motions - Iraq - Independent inquiry. Policy vote set to Yes.
mackay staff over 8 years ago
Removed division Motions — Debate parliamentary approval to send Australian Defence Forces to Syria. Policy vote was Yes.
mackay staff over 8 years ago
Removed division Motions — To suspend standing orders to discuss the Deployment of Australian Troops. Policy vote was Yes.
mackay staff over 8 years ago
Removed division Motions — To suspend standing orders to discuss parliamentary approval for the deployment of Australian troops in Iraq. Policy vote was Yes.
mackay staff over 8 years ago
Added division Motions — Debate parliamentary approval to send Australian Defence Forces to Syria. Policy vote set to Yes.
Henare Degan over 9 years ago
Changed status to not draft.
Henare Degan almost 10 years ago
Added division Motions — Troop Deployment to Iraq. Policy vote set to Yes.
Henare Degan almost 10 years ago
Added division Defence Legislation Amendment (Parliamentary Approval of Overseas Service) Bill 2014 - Second Reading - Agree with the bill's main idea. Policy vote set to Yes (strong).
Henare Degan about 10 years ago
Changed vote from Yes (strong) to Yes on division Motions — To suspend standing orders to discuss the Deployment of Australian Troops.
Henare Degan about 10 years ago
Added division Motions — To suspend standing orders to discuss parliamentary approval for the deployment of Australian troops in Iraq. Policy vote set to Yes.
Henare Degan about 10 years ago
Changed vote from Yes to Yes (strong) on division Motions — To suspend standing orders to discuss the Deployment of Australian Troops.
Luke Bacon about 10 years ago
Added division Motions — To suspend standing orders to discuss the Deployment of Australian Troops. Policy vote set to Yes.
Luke Bacon about 10 years ago
Name changed from “requiring Parliamentary approval of armed forces deployments” to “requiring Parliamentary approval of military deployments”.
Description changed from “Australia should not deploy troops without the consideration and approval of Parliament” to “Australia should not deploy armed forces without the consideration and approval of Parliament”.
Luke Bacon about 10 years ago
Created policy “requiring Parliamentary approval of armed forces deployments” with description “Australia should not deploy troops without the consideration and approval of Parliament”.
Luke Bacon about 10 years ago