Recent history: For increasing surveillance powers
Added division Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (High Risk Terrorist Offenders) Bill 2021 - Second Reading - Agree with bill's main idea. Policy vote set to Yes (strong).
mackay staff about 3 years ago
Removed division Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2019 - in Committee - Definitions. Policy vote was Yes (strong).
mackay staff over 3 years ago
Added division Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2019 - in Committee - Definitions. Policy vote set to Yes (strong).
Mitra over 3 years ago
Added division Foreign Intelligence Legislation Amendment Bill 2021 - Second Reading - Agree with bill's main idea. Policy vote set to Yes (strong).
mackay staff over 3 years ago
Added division Australian Crime Commission Amendment (Special Operations and Special Investigations) Bill 2019 - Second Reading - Agree with bill's main idea. Policy vote set to Yes.
mackay staff about 5 years ago
Added division Australian Crime Commission Amendment (Special Operations and Special Investigations) Bill 2019 - Third Reading - Pass the bill. Policy vote set to Yes.
mackay staff about 5 years ago
Added division Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Amendment (Sunsetting of Special Powers Relating to Terrorism Offences) Bill 2019 - Second Reading - Agree with bill's main idea. Policy vote set to Yes.
mackay staff over 5 years ago
Removed division Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment (Assistance and Access) Bill 2018 - Third Reading - Speeding things along. Policy vote was Yes (strong).
mackay staff about 6 years ago
Changed vote from Yes to Yes (strong) on division Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment (Assistance and Access) Bill 2018 - Second Reading - Agree with bill's main idea.
mackay staff about 6 years ago
Removed division Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment (Assistance and Access) Bill 2018 - Second Reading - Review operation of amendments. Policy vote was Yes (strong).
mackay staff about 6 years ago
Added division Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment (Assistance and Access) Bill 2018 - Second Reading - Agree with bill's main idea. Policy vote set to Yes.
Tea and Biscuits about 6 years ago
Added division Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment (Assistance and Access) Bill 2018 - Third Reading - Speeding things along. Policy vote set to Yes (strong).
Tea and Biscuits about 6 years ago
Added division Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment (Assistance and Access) Bill 2018 - Second Reading - Review operation of amendments. Policy vote set to Yes (strong).
Tea and Biscuits about 6 years ago
Added division Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment (Assistance and Access) Bill 2018 - Third Reading - Pass the bill. Policy vote set to Yes (strong).
Tea and Biscuits about 6 years ago
Added division Motions - Right to Privacy - Protect. Policy vote set to No.
mackay staff over 6 years ago
Added division Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2016 - Second Reading - Agree to the bill's main idea. Policy vote set to Yes (strong).
mackay staff over 8 years ago
Changed vote from Yes to No on division Motions — Unlawful Bulk Data Collection — Recognise Edward Snowden's work.
Henare Degan over 9 years ago
Added division Motions — Unlawful Bulk Data Collection — Recognise Edward Snowden's work. Policy vote set to Yes.
Henare Degan over 9 years ago
Added division Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Amendment (Data Retention) Bill 2015 - Third Reading - Pass the bill. Policy vote set to Yes (strong).
Henare Degan almost 10 years ago
Added division Cybercrime Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 - Third Reading - Pass the bill. Policy vote set to Yes (strong).
Henare Degan almost 10 years ago
Added division Cybercrime Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 - In Committee - Agree to amendments introducing limitations on access and disclosure. Policy vote set to No (strong).
Henare Degan almost 10 years ago
Added division Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (Foreign Fighters) Bill 2014 - Third Reading - Pass the bill. Policy vote set to Yes.
mackay staff over 10 years ago
Added division Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (Foreign Fighters) Bill 2014 — Second Reading - Agree with the bill's main idea. Policy vote set to Yes.
mackay staff over 10 years ago
Description changed from “the federal government should introduce legislation to increase the surveillance powers of Australian intelligence and enforcement agencies to intercept and retain communications related to persons of interest. These agencies include the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO), Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS) and the Australian Federal Police (AFP).” to “the federal government should introduce legislation to increase the powers of intelligence and law enforcement agencies to intercept and retain communications related to persons of interest. These agencies include the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO), Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS) and the Australian Federal Police (AFP).”.
mackay staff over 10 years ago
Description changed from “the federal government should introduce legislation to increase the surveillance powers of Australian intelligence and enforcement agencies to intercept and retain communications related to persons of interest” to “the federal government should introduce legislation to increase the surveillance powers of Australian intelligence and enforcement agencies to intercept and retain communications related to persons of interest. These agencies include the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO), Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS) and the Australian Federal Police (AFP).”.
mackay staff over 10 years ago
Name changed from “expanding surveillance powers” to “increasing surveillance powers”.
Description changed from “the federal government should introduce legislation to expand the surveillance powers of Australian intelligence and enforcement agencies to intercept and retain communications related to persons of interest” to “the federal government should introduce legislation to increase the surveillance powers of Australian intelligence and enforcement agencies to intercept and retain communications related to persons of interest”.
mackay staff over 10 years ago
Added division National Security Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2014 - Third Reading - Pass the bill. Policy vote set to Yes (strong).
mackay staff over 10 years ago
Added division National Security Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2014 - in Committee - Limit access to computers to extent necessary. Policy vote set to No.
mackay staff over 10 years ago
Added division National Security Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2014 - In Committee - Limit number of devices ASIO can access. Policy vote set to No.
mackay staff over 10 years ago
Added division Motions - National Security Inquiry - Abandon plan to retain data for up to two years. Policy vote set to No.
mackay staff over 10 years ago
Name changed from “expanding powers to intercept communications” to “expanding surveillance powers”.
Description changed from “the federal government should introduce legislation to expand the powers of Australian enforcement agencies to intercept communications related to persons of interest” to “the federal government should introduce legislation to expand the surveillance powers of Australian intelligence and enforcement agencies to intercept and retain communications related to persons of interest”.
mackay staff over 10 years ago
Name changed from “For expanding powers to intercept communications” to “expanding powers to intercept communications”.
Matthew Landauer staff over 10 years ago