Recent history: For a Free Trade Agreement with China
Added division Motions - Trade - Commend entry into FTAs. Policy vote set to Yes.
mackay staff over 5 years ago
Description changed from “the federal government should enter into a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with China to promote trade by creating more favourable trading conditions between China and Australia” to “the federal government should enter into a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with China to create more favourable trading conditions between China and Australia”.
mackay staff about 8 years ago
Name changed from “trade with China” to “a Free Trade Agreement with China”.
Description changed from “the federal government should enter into agreements to encourage trade between Australia and China” to “the federal government should enter into a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with China to promote trade by creating more favourable trading conditions between China and Australia”.
Changed status to not draft.
mackay staff about 8 years ago
Added division Motions - China-Australia Free Trade Agreement - Renegotiate or abandon. Policy vote set to No.
mackay staff about 8 years ago
Added division Customs Amendment (China-Australia Free Trade Agreement Implementation) Bill 2015 and related bill - Second Reading - Agree with bills' main idea. Policy vote set to Yes (strong).
mackay staff about 8 years ago
Added division Customs Amendment (China-Australia Free Trade Agreement Implementation) Bill 2015 and related bill - Third Reading - Pass the bills. Policy vote set to Yes (strong).
mackay staff about 8 years ago
Name changed from “free trade with China” to “trade with China”.
Description changed from “the federal government should enter into agreements to allow free trade between Australia and China” to “the federal government should enter into agreements to encourage trade between Australia and China”.
mackay staff about 8 years ago
Created policy “free trade with China” with description “the federal government should enter into agreements to allow free trade between Australia and China”.
mackay staff about 8 years ago