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senate vote 2018-09-18#3
Edited by
mackay staff
2018-09-21 16:30:51
Motions — Whaling
- Motions - Whaling - Patrol against + investigate legal options
<p class="speaker">Sarah Hanson-Young</p>
<p>I, and also on behalf of Senator Whish-Wilson, move:</p>
<p class="italic">That the Senate:</p>
- The majority voted in favour of a [motion]( introduced by Greens Senator [Sarah Hanson-Young]( (SA), which means it succeeded. Motions like these don't make any legal changes on their own, but are politically influential as they represent the will of the Senate.
- ### Motion text
- > *That the Senate:*
- > *(a) notes that the International Whaling Commission (IWC) has rejected Japan's bid to overturn a long-standing ban on commercial whaling;*
- > *(b) notes further that Japan has threatened to withdraw from the IWC and indicated its intention to continue hunting for 'scientific' purposes; and*
- > *(c) calls on the government to:*
- >> *(i) commit to sending a vessel to patrol the Southern Ocean this summer, and*
- >> *(ii) investigate Australia's legal options under international law.*
<p class="italic">(a) notes that the International Whaling Commission (IWC) has rejected Japan's bid to overturn a long-standing ban on commercial whaling;</p>
<p class="italic">(b) notes further that Japan has threatened to withdraw from the IWC and indicated its intention to continue hunting for 'scientific' purposes; and</p>
<p class="italic">(c) calls on the government to:</p>
<p class="italic">  (i) commit to sending a vessel to patrol the Southern Ocean this summer, and</p>
<p class="italic">  (ii) investigate Australia's legal options under international law.</p>
<p class="speaker">Anne Ruston</p>
<p>I seek leave to make a short statement.</p>
<p class="speaker">Scott Ryan</p>
<p>Leave is granted for one minute.</p>
<p class="speaker">Anne Ruston</p>
<p>The Australian government is resolutely opposed to all forms of commercial and so-called scientific whaling. The government welcomed the International Whaling Commission's recent rejection of Japan's proposal to overturn the global moratorium on commercial whaling. The commission also rejected attempts to weaken its decision-making rules and establish catch limits for commercial whaling. The Australian government worked hard with partner countries in the commission to achieve this outcome. We will continue to work to encourage Japan to remain in the IWC and to abide by its majority decisions. Sending a vessel to the Southern Ocean will not achieve any of Australia's or the IWC's policy or legal objectives.</p>
<p class="speaker">Sarah Hanson-Young</p>
<p>I seek leave to make a short statement.</p>
<p class="speaker">Scott Ryan</p>
<p>Leave is granted for one minute.</p>
<p class="speaker">Sarah Hanson-Young</p>
<p>It is extremely disappointing that the government is not prepared to follow through with what was an election promise to make sure that there was observation of and a watch on what Japan was doing in the Southern Ocean over summer. We know they've already said they're willing to and they're planning on killing 330-odd minke whales. That's what they've said. This government promised to send a vessel down there and now they're crab walking away. Why is that? That's the question to this government. They're going weak at the knees. They promised the Australian people they would do this and now we hear in this chamber today that they're not prepared to follow through. It's pathetic.</p>
<p class="speaker">Scott Ryan</p>
<p>The question is that notice of motion No. 1070 be agreed to.</p>