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senate vote 2015-09-16#2

Edited by Luke Bacon

on 2015-09-22 11:04:25



  • The majority of the Senate agreed with LNP Senator Matthew Canavan's motion:
  • The majority of the Senate voted for LNP Senator Matthew Canavan's motion:
  • > That the Senate notes that:
  • > (a) the Australian mining industry generates $138 billion per annum in exports to Australia‘s economy;
  • > (b) Australia‘s mining industry exports include: copper, gold, silver, indium tin oxide, alumina, silica, cobalt, carbon, aluminium, nickel and magnesium;
  • > (c) every smartphone depends on the mining of these resources; and
  • > (d) opposition to Australia‘s mining industry would restrict the supply of these mineral resources, and opponents of Australia‘s mining industry should therefore refrain from using these smartphones and tablets.
senate vote 2015-09-16#2

Edited by Jekrox

on 2015-09-21 12:29:16



  • <p class="speaker">Matthew Canavan</p>
  • <p>I move:</p>
  • <p class="italic">That the Senate notes that:</p>
  • The majority of the Senate agreed with LNP Senator Matthew Canavan's motion:
  • > That the Senate notes that:
  • > (a) the Australian mining industry generates $138 billion per annum in exports to Australia‘s economy;
  • > (b) Australia‘s mining industry exports include: copper, gold, silver, indium tin oxide, alumina, silica, cobalt, carbon, aluminium, nickel and magnesium;
  • > (c) every smartphone depends on the mining of these resources; and
  • > (d) opposition to Australia‘s mining industry would restrict the supply of these mineral resources, and opponents of Australia‘s mining industry should therefore refrain from using these smartphones and tablets.
  • <p class="italic">(a) the Australian mining industry generates $138 billion per annum in exports to Australia&#8216;s economy;</p>
  • <p class="italic">(b) Australia&#8216;s mining industry exports include: copper, gold, silver, indium tin oxide, alumina, silica, cobalt, carbon, aluminium, nickel and magnesium;</p>
  • <p class="italic">(c) every smartphone depends on the mining of these resources; and</p>
  • <p class="italic">(d) opposition to Australia&#8216;s mining industry would restrict the supply of these mineral resources, and opponents of Australia&#8216;s mining industry should therefore refrain from using these smartphones and tablets.</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Stephen Parry</p>
  • <p>The question is that notice of motion No. 858 moved by Senator Canavan be agreed to.</p>
  • <p>The Senate divided. [15:46]</p>
  • <p>(The President&#8212;Senator the Hon Stephen Parry)</p>
  • <p>Question agreed to.</p>