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senate vote 2013-06-27#9

Edited by system

on 2014-10-07 16:20:56



  • The majority voted in favour of a [ motion] introduced by Greens Senator [ Scott Ludlam], which means that it was successful. The motion was:
  • ''That the Senate—''
  • ''(a) notes:''
  • ''(i) [ Stage 8] of the [ Roe Highway]:(Read more about the extension of the Roe Highway on the website of Main Roads Western Australia [ here]. )''
  • ''(A) threatens the [ Beeliar wetlands] and its regionally significant vegetation, banksia woodlands and the habitat of fauna, migratory birds and the endangered [ Carnaby cockatoo], and''
  • ''(B) would dissect [,_Western_Australia North Lake] and [,_Western_Australia Bibra Lake], recognised as valuable biodiversity sites by all three levels of government, and one of the most significant Aboriginal historical sites within the Perth metropolitan area south of the Swan River, and''
  • ''(ii) the Western Australian Environment Protection Authority received 449 submissions, 29 from organisations and government agencies and 420 from the public opposing Stage 8 of the Roe Highway extension;(Read more about the opposition to Stage 8 of the Roe Highway [ here].) and''
  • ''(b) calls on all political parties to:''
  • ''(i) recognise widespread community opposition for this project, and''
  • ''(ii) affirm that Commonwealth funding for this project will not be forthcoming.''
  • References
  • The majority voted in favour of a [motion]( introduced by Greens Senator [Scott Ludlam](, which means that it was successful. The motion was:
  • _That the Senate—_
  • _(a) notes:_
  • _(i) [Stage 8]( of the [Roe Highway]( more about the extension of the Roe Highway on the website of Main Roads Western Australia [here]( )_
  • _(A) threatens the [Beeliar wetlands]( and its regionally significant vegetation, banksia woodlands and the habitat of fauna, migratory birds and the endangered [Carnaby cockatoo](, and_
  • _(B) would dissect [North Lake](,_Western_Australia) and [Bibra Lake](,_Western_Australia), recognised as valuable biodiversity sites by all three levels of government, and one of the most significant Aboriginal historical sites within the Perth metropolitan area south of the Swan River, and_
  • _(ii) the Western Australian Environment Protection Authority received 449 submissions, 29 from organisations and government agencies and 420 from the public opposing Stage 8 of the Roe Highway extension;(Read more about the opposition to Stage 8 of the Roe Highway [here]( and_
  • _(b) calls on all political parties to:_
  • _(i) recognise widespread community opposition for this project, and_
  • _(ii) affirm that Commonwealth funding for this project will not be forthcoming._
  • References
senate vote 2013-06-27#9

Edited by system

on 2014-10-07 16:16:51



  • The majority voted in favour of a [ motion] introduced by Greens Senator [ Scott Ludlam], which means that it was successful. The motion was:
  • ''That the Senate—''
  • ''(a) notes:''
  • ''(i) [ Stage 8] of the [ Roe Highway]:[1]''
  • ''(i) [ Stage 8] of the [ Roe Highway]:(Read more about the extension of the Roe Highway on the website of Main Roads Western Australia [ here]. )''
  • ''(A) threatens the [ Beeliar wetlands] and its regionally significant vegetation, banksia woodlands and the habitat of fauna, migratory birds and the endangered [ Carnaby cockatoo], and''
  • ''(B) would dissect [,_Western_Australia North Lake] and [,_Western_Australia Bibra Lake], recognised as valuable biodiversity sites by all three levels of government, and one of the most significant Aboriginal historical sites within the Perth metropolitan area south of the Swan River, and''
  • ''(ii) the Western Australian Environment Protection Authority received 449 submissions, 29 from organisations and government agencies and 420 from the public opposing Stage 8 of the Roe Highway extension;[2] and''
  • ''(ii) the Western Australian Environment Protection Authority received 449 submissions, 29 from organisations and government agencies and 420 from the public opposing Stage 8 of the Roe Highway extension;(Read more about the opposition to Stage 8 of the Roe Highway [ here].) and''
  • ''(b) calls on all political parties to:''
  • ''(i) recognise widespread community opposition for this project, and''
  • ''(ii) affirm that Commonwealth funding for this project will not be forthcoming.''
  • References
  • * [1] Read more about the extension of the Roe Highway on the website of Main Roads Western Australia [ here].
  • * [2] Read more about the opposition to Stage 8 of the Roe Highway [ here].
senate vote 2013-06-27#9

Edited by mackay staff

on 2014-07-26 12:32:30


  • Motions — Infrastructure and Transport Funding: Roe Highway
  • Motions — Infrastructure and Transport Funding: Roe Highway - Do not fund


  • <p class="speaker">Scott Ludlam</p>
  • <p>I move:</p>
  • <p class="italic">That the Senate&#8212;</p>
  • The majority voted in favour of a [ motion] introduced by Greens Senator [ Scott Ludlam], which means that it was successful. The motion was:
  • ''That the Senate—''
  • ''(a) notes:''
  • ''(i) [ Stage 8] of the [ Roe Highway]:[1]''
  • ''(A) threatens the [ Beeliar wetlands] and its regionally significant vegetation, banksia woodlands and the habitat of fauna, migratory birds and the endangered [ Carnaby cockatoo], and''
  • ''(B) would dissect [,_Western_Australia North Lake] and [,_Western_Australia Bibra Lake], recognised as valuable biodiversity sites by all three levels of government, and one of the most significant Aboriginal historical sites within the Perth metropolitan area south of the Swan River, and''
  • ''(ii) the Western Australian Environment Protection Authority received 449 submissions, 29 from organisations and government agencies and 420 from the public opposing Stage 8 of the Roe Highway extension;[2] and''
  • ''(b) calls on all political parties to:''
  • ''(i) recognise widespread community opposition for this project, and''
  • ''(ii) affirm that Commonwealth funding for this project will not be forthcoming.''
  • References
  • * [1] Read more about the extension of the Roe Highway on the website of Main Roads Western Australia [ here].
  • * [2] Read more about the opposition to Stage 8 of the Roe Highway [ here].
  • <p class="italic">(a) notes:</p>
  • <p class="italic">(i) Stage 8 of the Roe Highway:</p>
  • <p class="italic">&#160;&#160;(A) threatens the Beeliar wetlands and its regionally significant vegetation, banksia woodlands and the habitat of fauna, migratory birds and the endangered Carnaby cockatoo, and</p>
  • <p class="italic">&#160;&#160;(B) would dissect North Lake and Bibra Lake, recognised as valuable biodiversity sites by all three levels of government, and one of the most significant Aboriginal historical sites within the Perth metropolitan area south of the Swan River, and</p>
  • <p class="italic">(ii) the Western Australian Environment Protection Authority received 449 submissions, 29 from organisations and government agencies and 420 from the public opposing Stage 8 of the Roe Highway extension; and</p>
  • <p class="italic">(b) calls on all political parties to:</p>
  • <p class="italic">(i) recognise widespread community opposition for this project, and</p>
  • <p class="italic">(ii) affirm that Commonwealth funding for this project will not be forthcoming.</p>
  • <p class="speaker">John Hogg</p>
  • <p>The question is that the motion moved by Senator Ludlam be agreed to.</p>