representatives vote 2025-02-10#4
Edited by
mackay staff
2025-02-13 16:07:16
The majority voted against [amendments](;query=Id:legislation/billhome/display.w3p;query=Id%3A%22legislation%2Famend%2Fr7299_amend_416824c0-963c-4c1c-816a-cc6ddf56c8bf%22;rec=0) introduced by Warringah MP [Zali Steggall]( (Independent). These would have amended the text of the original [government amendments](;query=Id:legislation/billhome/display.w3p;query=Id%3A%22legislation%2Famend%2Fr7299_amend_b6f7fa49-4961-4772-960d-9cd367fcd846%22;rec=0).
- The majority voted against [amendments](;query=Id:legislation/billhome/display.w3p;query=Id%3A%22legislation%2Famend%2Fr7299_amend_416824c0-963c-4c1c-816a-cc6ddf56c8bf%22;rec=0) introduced by Warringah MP [Zali Steggall]( (Independent). These would have amended the text of the original [government amendment (2)](;query=Id:legislation/billhome/display.w3p;query=Id%3A%22legislation%2Famend%2Fr7299_amend_b6f7fa49-4961-4772-960d-9cd367fcd846%22;rec=0).
- ### Amendment text
- > *(1) Amendment (2), omit “$20,000”, substitute “$50,000”.*
- >
- > *(2) Amendment (2), items 1 to 2, omit the items, substitute:*
- >
- >> *1 Section 328-180 (heading)*
- >>
- >>> *Omit “ to 30 June 2024 ”.*
- >>
- >> *2 Subsection 328-180(1) (definition of increased access year )*
- >>
- >>> *Repeal the definition, substitute:*
- >>>
- >>>> *increased access year : an income year is an increased access year if any day in the year occurs on or after 12 May 2015.*
- >
- > *(3) Amendment (2), after item 2, insert:*
- >
- >> *2A Paragraph 328-180(4)(d)*
- >>
- >>> *Omit “$20,000”, substitute “$50,000”.*
- >
- > *(4) Amendment (2), omit item 3, substitute:*
- >
- >> *3 Paragraph 328-180(4)(d)*
- >>
- >>> *Omit “and on or before 30 June 2024” (wherever occurring).*
- >
- > *(5) Amendment (2), after item 3, insert:*
- >
- >> *3A Paragraphs 328-180(5)(e) and (6)(e)*
- >>
- >>> *Omit “$20,000”, substitute “$50,000”.*
- >
- > *(6) Amendment (2), omit item 4, substitute:*
- >
- >> *4 Paragraph 328-180(5)(e)*
- >>
- >>> *Omit all the words after “if the amount”, substitute “is so included at any time on or after 1 July 2023.”.*
- >
- > *5 Paragraph 328-180(6)(e)*
- >
- >> *Omit all the words after “for an income year”, substitute “that ends on or after 1 July 2023.”.*
- ### Original amendment (2) text
- > *(2) Page 6 (after line 25), at the end of the Bill, add:*
- >
- > *Schedule 4 — $20,000 instant asset write-off for small business entities*
- >
- > *Income Tax (Transitional Provisions) Act 1997*
- >
- > *1 Section 328-180 (heading)*
- >
- >> *Omit “ 30 June 2024 ”, substitute “ 30 June 2025 ”.*
- >
- > *2 Subsection 328-180(1) (paragraph (b) of the definition of increased access year)*
- >
- >> *Omit “30 June 2024”, substitute “30 June 2025”.*
- >
- > *3 Paragraph 328-180(4)(d)*
- >
- >> *Omit “30 June 2024” (wherever occurring), substitute “30 June 2025”.*
- >
- > *4 Subparagraphs 328-180(5)(e)(ii) and (6)(e)(ii)*
- >
>> *Omit “30 June 2024”, substitute “30 June 2025”.*
- >> *Omit “30 June 2024”, substitute “30 June 2025”.*
representatives vote 2025-02-10#4
Edited by
mackay staff
2025-02-13 16:06:51
Bills — Treasury Laws Amendment (Tax Incentives and Integrity) Bill 2024; Consideration in Detail
- Treasury Laws Amendment (Tax Incentives and Integrity) Bill 2024 - Consideration in Detail - Making the instant asset write-off permanent
<p class="speaker">Maria Vamvakinou</p>
<p>The question is that the amendment to government amendment (2) moved by the member for Warringah be agreed to. I put that question. Those of that opinion say aye, those against no. The noes have it? Minister? The minister may assist the chair.</p>
- The majority voted against [amendments](;query=Id:legislation/billhome/display.w3p;query=Id%3A%22legislation%2Famend%2Fr7299_amend_416824c0-963c-4c1c-816a-cc6ddf56c8bf%22;rec=0) introduced by Warringah MP [Zali Steggall]( (Independent). These would have amended the text of the original [government amendments](;query=Id:legislation/billhome/display.w3p;query=Id%3A%22legislation%2Famend%2Fr7299_amend_b6f7fa49-4961-4772-960d-9cd367fcd846%22;rec=0).
- ### Amendment text
- > *(1) Amendment (2), omit “$20,000”, substitute “$50,000”.*
- >
- > *(2) Amendment (2), items 1 to 2, omit the items, substitute:*
- >
- >> *1 Section 328-180 (heading)*
- >>
- >>> *Omit “ to 30 June 2024 ”.*
- >>
- >> *2 Subsection 328-180(1) (definition of increased access year )*
- >>
- >>> *Repeal the definition, substitute:*
- >>>
- >>>> *increased access year : an income year is an increased access year if any day in the year occurs on or after 12 May 2015.*
- >
- > *(3) Amendment (2), after item 2, insert:*
- >
- >> *2A Paragraph 328-180(4)(d)*
- >>
- >>> *Omit “$20,000”, substitute “$50,000”.*
- >
- > *(4) Amendment (2), omit item 3, substitute:*
- >
- >> *3 Paragraph 328-180(4)(d)*
- >>
- >>> *Omit “and on or before 30 June 2024” (wherever occurring).*
- >
- > *(5) Amendment (2), after item 3, insert:*
- >
- >> *3A Paragraphs 328-180(5)(e) and (6)(e)*
- >>
- >>> *Omit “$20,000”, substitute “$50,000”.*
- >
- > *(6) Amendment (2), omit item 4, substitute:*
- >
- >> *4 Paragraph 328-180(5)(e)*
- >>
- >>> *Omit all the words after “if the amount”, substitute “is so included at any time on or after 1 July 2023.”.*
- >
- > *5 Paragraph 328-180(6)(e)*
- >
- >> *Omit all the words after “for an income year”, substitute “that ends on or after 1 July 2023.”.*
- ### Original amendment (2) text
- > *(2) Page 6 (after line 25), at the end of the Bill, add:*
- >
- > *Schedule 4 — $20,000 instant asset write-off for small business entities*
- >
- > *Income Tax (Transitional Provisions) Act 1997*
- >
- > *1 Section 328-180 (heading)*
- >
- >> *Omit “ 30 June 2024 ”, substitute “ 30 June 2025 ”.*
- >
- > *2 Subsection 328-180(1) (paragraph (b) of the definition of increased access year)*
- >
- >> *Omit “30 June 2024”, substitute “30 June 2025”.*
- >
- > *3 Paragraph 328-180(4)(d)*
- >
- >> *Omit “30 June 2024” (wherever occurring), substitute “30 June 2025”.*
- >
- > *4 Subparagraphs 328-180(5)(e)(ii) and (6)(e)(ii)*
- >
- >> *Omit “30 June 2024”, substitute “30 June 2025”.*
<p class="speaker">Stephen Jones</p>
<p>If I can assist the chair and the House, I'm very conscious of the fact that we've got colleagues up the back who are very keen to congratulate the member for North Sydney on an excellent valedictory speech. Those very same members are very engaged in the amendment before the House, so, if it suits the will of the House, it would be good if we could re-put the question.</p>
<p class="speaker">Milton Dick</p>
<p>The question before the House is that the House agree to the amendments moved by the honourable member for Warringah. These are amendments to government amendments.</p>