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representatives vote 2012-05-31#6

Edited by mackay staff

on 2014-10-20 09:51:13



  • An equal number of members voted in favour of and against a [motion]( to read the bill for a second time.
  • However, the motion was ultimately successful because the Deputy Speaker [Anna Burke]( gave her [casting vote]( with the ayes.
  • This means that the bill was read a second time.
  • Someone who voted aye (that is, in favour of the bill), agreed with the main idea of the bill.
  • _Background to the bill_
  • The bill was introduced by Independent MP [Rob Oakeshott]( in response to the High Court's decision in [_Plaintiff M70/2011 v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship_]( () HCA 32, which put an end to the Labor Government's [Malaysia Solution]( policy.(Read more about the decision on Wikipedia [here]( and on ABC News [here]( Read more about the effect of this decision on the Malaysia Solution [here]( )
  • To this end, the bill amends the _Migration Act 1958_ to replace the existing framework for taking offshore entry persons to another country to assess their refugee claims.(More information about this bill and context can be found [here]( It also amends the _Immigration (Guardianship of Children) Act 1946_ in relation to making and implementing any decision to remove, deport or take a non-citizen child from Australia. However, these amendments would only have effect for a period of 12 months.
  • By making these amendments, the bill attempts to codify the [Bali Process]( into domestic law.
  • An equal number of members voted in favour of and against a [motion]( to read the bill for a second time.
  • However, the motion was ultimately successful because the Deputy Speaker [Anna Burke]( gave her [casting vote]( with the ayes.
  • This means that the bill was read a second time.
  • Someone who voted aye (that is, in favour of the bill), agreed with the main idea of the bill.
  • _Background to the bill_
  • The bill was introduced by Independent MP [Rob Oakeshott]( in response to the High Court's decision in [_Plaintiff M70/2011 v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship_]( [2011] HCA 32, which put an end to the Labor Government's [Malaysia Solution]( policy.(Read more about the decision on Wikipedia [here]( and on ABC News [here]( Read more about the effect of this decision on the Malaysia Solution [here]( )
  • To this end, the bill amends the _Migration Act 1958_ to replace the existing framework for taking offshore entry persons to another country to assess their refugee claims.(More information about this bill and context can be found [here]( It also amends the _Immigration (Guardianship of Children) Act 1946_ in relation to making and implementing any decision to remove, deport or take a non-citizen child from Australia. However, these amendments would only have effect for a period of 12 months.
  • By making these amendments, the bill attempts to codify the [Bali Process]( into domestic law.
  • References
representatives vote 2012-05-31#6

Edited by system

on 2014-10-07 16:21:02



  • An equal number of members voted in favour of and against a [ motion] to read the bill for a second time.
  • However, the motion was ultimately successful because the Deputy Speaker [ Anna Burke] gave her [ casting vote] with the ayes.
  • This means that the bill was read a second time.
  • Someone who voted aye (that is, in favour of the bill), agreed with the main idea of the bill.
  • ''Background to the bill''
  • The bill was introduced by Independent MP [ Rob Oakeshott] in response to the High Court's decision in [ ''Plaintiff M70/2011 v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship''] () HCA 32, which put an end to the Labor Government's [ Malaysia Solution] policy.(Read more about the decision on Wikipedia [ here] and on ABC News [ here]. Read more about the effect of this decision on the Malaysia Solution [ here]. )
  • To this end, the bill amends the ''Migration Act 1958'' to replace the existing framework for taking offshore entry persons to another country to assess their refugee claims.(More information about this bill and context can be found [ here].) It also amends the ''Immigration (Guardianship of Children) Act 1946'' in relation to making and implementing any decision to remove, deport or take a non-citizen child from Australia. However, these amendments would only have effect for a period of 12 months.
  • By making these amendments, the bill attempts to codify the [ Bali Process] into domestic law.
  • References
  • An equal number of members voted in favour of and against a [motion]( to read the bill for a second time.
  • However, the motion was ultimately successful because the Deputy Speaker [Anna Burke]( gave her [casting vote]( with the ayes.
  • This means that the bill was read a second time.
  • Someone who voted aye (that is, in favour of the bill), agreed with the main idea of the bill.
  • _Background to the bill_
  • The bill was introduced by Independent MP [Rob Oakeshott]( in response to the High Court's decision in [_Plaintiff M70/2011 v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship_]( () HCA 32, which put an end to the Labor Government's [Malaysia Solution]( policy.(Read more about the decision on Wikipedia [here]( and on ABC News [here]( Read more about the effect of this decision on the Malaysia Solution [here]( )
  • To this end, the bill amends the _Migration Act 1958_ to replace the existing framework for taking offshore entry persons to another country to assess their refugee claims.(More information about this bill and context can be found [here]( It also amends the _Immigration (Guardianship of Children) Act 1946_ in relation to making and implementing any decision to remove, deport or take a non-citizen child from Australia. However, these amendments would only have effect for a period of 12 months.
  • By making these amendments, the bill attempts to codify the [Bali Process]( into domestic law.
  • References
representatives vote 2012-05-31#6

Edited by system

on 2014-10-07 16:16:52



  • An equal number of members voted in favour of and against a [ motion] to read the bill for a second time.
  • However, the motion was ultimately successful because the Deputy Speaker [ Anna Burke] gave her [ casting vote] with the ayes.
  • This means that the bill was read a second time.
  • Someone who voted aye (that is, in favour of the bill), agreed with the main idea of the bill.
  • ''Background to the bill''
  • The bill was introduced by Independent MP [ Rob Oakeshott] in response to the High Court's decision in [ ''Plaintiff M70/2011 v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship''] [2011] HCA 32, which put an end to the Labor Government's [ Malaysia Solution] policy.[1]
  • The bill was introduced by Independent MP [ Rob Oakeshott] in response to the High Court's decision in [ ''Plaintiff M70/2011 v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship''] () HCA 32, which put an end to the Labor Government's [ Malaysia Solution] policy.(Read more about the decision on Wikipedia [ here] and on ABC News [ here]. Read more about the effect of this decision on the Malaysia Solution [ here]. )
  • To this end, the bill amends the ''Migration Act 1958'' to replace the existing framework for taking offshore entry persons to another country to assess their refugee claims.[2] It also amends the ''Immigration (Guardianship of Children) Act 1946'' in relation to making and implementing any decision to remove, deport or take a non-citizen child from Australia. However, these amendments would only have effect for a period of 12 months.
  • To this end, the bill amends the ''Migration Act 1958'' to replace the existing framework for taking offshore entry persons to another country to assess their refugee claims.(More information about this bill and context can be found [ here].) It also amends the ''Immigration (Guardianship of Children) Act 1946'' in relation to making and implementing any decision to remove, deport or take a non-citizen child from Australia. However, these amendments would only have effect for a period of 12 months.
  • By making these amendments, the bill attempts to codify the [ Bali Process] into domestic law.
  • References
  • * [1] Read more about the decision on Wikipedia [ here] and on ABC News [ here]. Read more about the effect of this decision on the Malaysia Solution [ here].
  • * [2] More information about this bill and context can be found [ here].
representatives vote 2012-05-31#6

Edited by mackay staff

on 2014-02-28 16:37:48



  • An equal number of members voted in favour of and against a [ motion] to read the bill for a second time. However, the motion was ultimately successful because the Deputy Speaker [ Anna Burke] gave her casting vote with the ayes.
  • An equal number of members voted in favour of and against a [ motion] to read the bill for a second time.
  • However, the motion was ultimately successful because the Deputy Speaker [ Anna Burke] gave her [ casting vote] with the ayes.
  • This means that the bill was read a second time.
  • Someone who voted aye (that is, in favour of the bill), agreed with the main idea of the bill.
  • ''Background to the bill''
  • The bill was introduced by Independent MP [ Rob Oakeshott] in response to the High Court's decision in [ ''Plaintiff M70/2011 v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship''] [2011] HCA 32, which put an end to the Labor Government's [ Malaysia Solution] policy.[1]
  • To this end, the bill amends the ''Migration Act 1958'' to replace the existing framework for taking offshore entry persons to another country to assess their refugee claims.[2] It also amends the ''Immigration (Guardianship of Children) Act 1946'' in relation to making and implementing any decision to remove, deport or take a non-citizen child from Australia. However, these amendments would only have effect for a period of 12 months.
  • By making these amendments, the bill attempts to codify the [ Bali Process] into domestic law.
  • References
  • * [1] Read more about the decision on Wikipedia [ here] and on ABC News [ here]. Read more about the effect of this decision on the Malaysia Solution [ here].
  • * [2] More information about this bill and context can be found [ here].
representatives vote 2012-05-31#6

Edited by mackay staff

on 2014-02-28 16:36:55



  • An equal number of members voted in favour of and against a [ motion] to read the bill for a second time. However, the motion was ultimately successful because the Deputy Speaker <a href="">Burke</a> gave her casting vote with the ayes.
  • An equal number of members voted in favour of and against a [ motion] to read the bill for a second time. However, the motion was ultimately successful because the Deputy Speaker [ Anna Burke] gave her casting vote with the ayes.
  • This means that the bill was read a second time.
  • Someone who voted aye (that is, in favour of the bill), agreed with the main idea of the bill.
  • ''Background to the bill''
  • The bill was introduced by Independent MP [ Rob Oakeshott] in response to the High Court's decision in [ ''Plaintiff M70/2011 v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship''] [2011] HCA 32, which put an end to the Labor Government's [ Malaysia Solution] policy.[1]
  • To this end, the bill amends the ''Migration Act 1958'' to replace the existing framework for taking offshore entry persons to another country to assess their refugee claims.[2] It also amends the ''Immigration (Guardianship of Children) Act 1946'' in relation to making and implementing any decision to remove, deport or take a non-citizen child from Australia. However, these amendments would only have effect for a period of 12 months.
  • By making these amendments, the bill attempts to codify the [ Bali Process] into domestic law.
  • References
  • * [1] Read more about the decision on Wikipedia [ here] and on ABC News [ here]. Read more about the effect of this decision on the Malaysia Solution [ here].
  • * [2] More information about this bill and context can be found [ here].
representatives vote 2012-05-31#6

Edited by mackay staff

on 2014-02-28 16:36:37


  • Private Members' Business - Migration Legislation Amendment (The Bali Process) Bill 2012; Second Reading
  • Migration Legislation Amendment (The Bali Process) Bill 2012 - Second Reading - Read a second time


  • An equal number of members voted in favour of and against a [ motion] to read the bill for a second time. However, the motion was ultimately successful because the Deputy Speaker <a href="">Burke</a> gave her casting vote with the ayes.
  • This means that the bill was read a second time.
  • Someone who voted aye (that is, in favour of the bill), agreed with the main idea of the bill.
  • ''Background to the bill''
  • The bill was introduced by Independent MP [ Rob Oakeshott] in response to the High Court's decision in [ ''Plaintiff M70/2011 v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship''] [2011] HCA 32, which put an end to the Labor Government's [ Malaysia Solution] policy.[1]
  • <p> The aye votes succeeded in passing a motion that the Bill be read a second time. This means that the the Bill was able to progress to the Consideration in detail and Third Reading <a href="">phases</a> in the House of Representatives. </p>
  • To this end, the bill amends the ''Migration Act 1958'' to replace the existing framework for taking offshore entry persons to another country to assess their refugee claims.[2] It also amends the ''Immigration (Guardianship of Children) Act 1946'' in relation to making and implementing any decision to remove, deport or take a non-citizen child from Australia. However, these amendments would only have effect for a period of 12 months.
  • <p> Someone who votes aye in this division supports the main idea of this Bill. The majority voted aye in this amendment. </p>
  • By making these amendments, the bill attempts to codify the [ Bali Process] into domestic law.
  • <p><b>Summary of debate in Parliament</b></p>
  • <p>This Bill was sponsored by Independent MP <a href="">Oakeshott</a>. Because the House was divided in this vote the Deputy Speaker <a href="">Burke</a> gave her casting vote with the ayes.
  • <p><b>Background to Bill</b></p>
  • <p>The Bill was introduced in response to the High Court's decision in <a href=""><i>Plaintiff M70/2011 v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship [2011]</i></a>, which overruled the Labor Government's <a href="">'Malaysia Solution'</a>. The Bill would have given the Government to implement offshore processing for asylum seekers. This Bill did not become law as it failed to pass in the Second Reading stage in the Senate on <a href="
  • ">28 June 2012</a>.
  • <p> More information about this Bill and the context surrounding it can be found <a href=";fileType=application%2Fpdf">here</a>.
  • <p><b>Qualifiers</b></p>
  • <p>This vote is difficult to determine who is voting for or against a stricter policy regarding asylum seekers. This is because the no votes could be voting against the Bali Process specifically, not a stricter system with regards to refugees. </p>
  • References
  • * [1] Read more about the decision on Wikipedia [ here] and on ABC News [ here]. Read more about the effect of this decision on the Malaysia Solution [ here].
  • * [2] More information about this bill and context can be found [ here].
representatives vote 2012-05-31#6

Edited by Natasha Burrows

on 2013-09-19 16:07:45



  • <p> The aye votes succeeded in passing a motion that the Bill be read a second time. This means that the the Bill was able to progress to the Consideration in detail and Third Reading <a href="">phases</a> in the House of Representatives. </p>
  • <p> Someone who votes aye in this division supports the main idea of this Bill. The majority voted aye in this amendment. </p>
  • <p><b>Summary of debate in Parliament</b></p>
  • <p>This Bill was sponsored by Independent MP <a href="">Oakeshott</a>. Because the House was divided in this vote the Deputy Speaker <a href="">Burke</a> gave her casting vote with the ayes.
  • <p><b>Background to Bill</b></p>
  • <p>The Bill was introduced in response to the High Court's decision in <a href=""><i>Plaintiff M70/2011 v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship [2011]</i></a>, which overruled the Labor Government's <a href="">'Malaysia Solution'</a>. The Bill would have given the Government to implement offshore processing for asylum seekers. This Bill did not become law as it failed to pass in the Second Reading stage in the Senate on <a href="
  • ">28 June 2012</a>.
  • <p> More information about this Bill and the context surrounding it can be found <a href=";fileType=application%2Fpdf">here</a>.
  • <p><b>Qualifiers</b></p>
  • <p>This vote is difficult to determine who is voting for or against a stricter policy regarding asylum seekers. This is because the no votes could be voting against the Bali Process specifically, not a stricter system with regards to refugees. </p>
representatives vote 2012-05-31#6

Edited by Natasha Burrows

on 2013-09-19 16:04:39



representatives vote 2012-05-31#6

Edited by Natasha Burrows

on 2013-09-19 16:04:23



  • <p> The aye votes succeeded in passing a motion that the Bill be read a second time. This means that the the Bill was able to progress to the Consideration in detail and Third Reading <a href="">phases</a> in the House of Representatives. </p>
  • <p> Someone who votes aye in this division supports the main idea of this Bill. The majority voted aye in this amendment. </p>
  • <p><b>Summary of debate in Parliament</b></p>
  • <p>This Bill was sponsored by Independent MP <a href="">Oakeshott</a>.
  • <p>This Bill was sponsored by Independent MP <a href="">Oakeshott</a>. Because the House was divided in this vote the Deputy Speaker <a href="">Burke</a> gave her casting vote with the ayes.
  • <p><b>Background to Bill</b></p>
  • <p>The Bill was introduced in response to the High Court's decision in <a href=""><i>Plaintiff M70/2011 v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship [2011]</i></a>, which overruled the Labor Government's <a href="">'Malaysia Solution'</a>. The Bill would have given the Government to implement offshore processing for asylum seekers. This Bill did not become law as it failed to pass in the Second Reading stage in the Senate on <a href="
  • ">28 June 2012</a>.
  • <p> More information about this Bill and the context surrounding it can be found <a href=";fileType=application%2Fpdf">here</a>.
representatives vote 2012-05-31#6

Edited by Natasha Burrows

on 2013-09-19 15:54:54



  • <p> The aye votes succeeded in passing a motion that the Bill be read a second time. This means that the the Bill was able to progress to the Consideration in detail and Third Reading <a href="">phases</a> in the House of Representatives. </p>
  • <p> Someone who votes aye in this division supports the main idea of this Bill. The majority voted aye in this amendment. </p>
  • <p><b>Summary of debate in Parliament</b></p>
  • <p>This Bill was sponsored by Independent MP <a href="">Oakeshott</a>.
  • <p><b>Background to Bill</b></p>
  • <p>The Bill was introduced in response to the High Court's decision in <a href=""><i>Plaintiff M70/2011 v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship [2011]</i></a>, which overruled the Labor Government's <a href="">'Malaysia Solution'</a>. The Bill would have given the Government to implement offshore processing for asylum seekers. This Bill did not become law as it failed to pass in the Second Reading stage in the Senate on <a href="
  • ">28 June 2012</a>.
  • <p> More information about this Bill and the context surrounding it can be found<a href=";fileType=application%2Fpdf">here</a>.
  • <p> More information about this Bill and the context surrounding it can be found <a href=";fileType=application%2Fpdf">here</a>.
representatives vote 2012-05-31#6

Edited by Natasha Burrows

on 2013-09-19 15:54:23



  • <p> The aye votes succeeded in passing a motion that the Bill be read a second time. This means that the the Bill was able to progress to the Consideration in detail and Third Reading <a href="">phases</a> in the House of Representatives. </p>
  • <p> Someone who votes aye in this division supports the main idea of this Bill. The majority voted aye in this amendment. </p>
  • <p><b>Summary of debate in Parliament</b></p>
  • <p>This Bill was sponsored by Independent MP <a href="">Oakeshott</a>.
  • <p><b>Background to Bill</b></p>
  • <p>The Bill was introduced in response to the High Court's decision in <a href=""><i>Plaintiff M70/2011 v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship [2011]</i></a>, which overruled the Labor Government's <a href="">'Malaysia Solution'</a>. The Bill would have given the Government to implement offshore processing for asylum seekers. This Bill did not become law as it failed to pass in the Second Reading stage in the Senate on <a href="
  • ">28 June 2012</a>.
  • <p> More information about this Bill and the context surrounding it can be found<a href=";fileType=application%2Fpdf">here</a>.
representatives vote 2012-05-31#6

Edited by Natasha Burrows

on 2013-09-19 15:52:46



  • <p> The aye votes succeeded in passing a motion that the Bill be read a second time. This means that the the Bill was able to progress to the Consideration in detail and Third Reading <a href="">phases</a> phases in the House of Representatives. </p>
  • <p> The aye votes succeeded in passing a motion that the Bill be read a second time. This means that the the Bill was able to progress to the Consideration in detail and Third Reading <a href="">phases</a> in the House of Representatives. </p>
  • <p> Someone who votes aye in this division supports the main idea of this Bill. The majority voted aye in this amendment. </p>
  • <p><b>Summary of debate in Parliament</b></p>
  • <p>This Bill was sponsored by Independent MP <a href="">Oakeshott</a>.
  • <p><b>Background to Bill</b></p>
  • <p>The Bill was introduced in response to the High Court's decision in <a href=""><i>Plaintiff M70/2011 v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship [2011]</i></a>, which overruled the Labor Government's <a href="">'Malaysia Solution'</a>. The Bill would have given the Government to implement offshore processing for asylum seekers. This Bill did not become law as it failed to pass in the Second Reading stage in the Senate on <a href="
  • ">28 June 2012</a>.
representatives vote 2012-05-31#6

Edited by Natasha Burrows

on 2013-09-19 15:52:15


  • Private Members' Business Migration Legislation Amendment (The Bali Process) Bill 2012; Second Reading
  • Private Members' Business - Migration Legislation Amendment (The Bali Process) Bill 2012; Second Reading


  • <p class="speaker">Robert Oakeshott</p>
  • <p>I present a statement of compatibility with human rights.</p>
  • <p class="speaker">Anna Burke</p>
  • <p> The aye votes succeeded in passing a motion that the Bill be read a second time. This means that the the Bill was able to progress to the Consideration in detail and Third Reading <a href="">phases</a> phases in the House of Representatives. </p>
  • <p> Someone who votes aye in this division supports the main idea of this Bill. The majority voted aye in this amendment. </p>
  • <p><b>Summary of debate in Parliament</b></p>
  • <p>This Bill was sponsored by Independent MP <a href="">Oakeshott</a>.
  • <p><b>Background to Bill</b></p>
  • <p>The Bill was introduced in response to the High Court's decision in <a href=""><i>Plaintiff M70/2011 v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship [2011]</i></a>, which overruled the Labor Government's <a href="">'Malaysia Solution'</a>. The Bill would have given the Government to implement offshore processing for asylum seekers. This Bill did not become law as it failed to pass in the Second Reading stage in the Senate on <a href="
  • ">28 June 2012</a>.
  • <p>The question is that the bill be now read a second time.</p>